Today I turn in my
Gruve. My month is over. This past week wasn't as successful as I had hoped. I didn't hit green every day. Partly due to forgetting it, partly due to being zapped after Halloween at friends. I still had a hard time getting to green everyday I worked out. Despite the workout, since I couldn't wear it during that, not only did that not count, but then I lost that time during the day and I was a bit bushed some days. I think it was a great experience and I wish I could continue it. Maybe as time goes on and I get finances in my life settled I can get on and go back to it. I definitely will try to remember to be more active, it'll just be harder to know without something tangible to look at and be accountable for. Something checking up on me and what I think I'm doing.
I am a bit behind on posting about the week, especially Halloween. I do have some pictures for that and I will get them up later today or tomorrow. The weather turned chilly so the bulbs I want to get in will not go today. Hopefully I get a little bit warmer weather than this (20 and 30's this morning) before it goes icy and frigid until March/April.
Duncan's foot is healing well. He now has some random limp, hurt back leg that we have no clue about. It seems to come and go but certainly does not stop him from tearing through the house and around the yard several times a day like he's trying out for the Daytona 500. It also has not stopped him from trying to get Max to play with him, to no avail. When will he learn that Max's favorite game is charades, playing a log. We'll wait that out a bit before taking Duncan in about the leg. He really is pushing his limit on lifetime vet trips and he's not even one yet. Go figure.