Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh, so long ago!

So, as it turns out I'm really behind here. Things have been busy in our lives, but really not so busy that I couldn't have updated since November. Wow, that was a long time ago.
Yesterday was my little boys 5th birthday party. Still a few days until his birthday, but boy has five years gone by quickly.
Only five years ago we were still getting used to owning a minivan, I still wasn't used to the idea of having the cursed minivan. I now love my van and just had the 90k mile tune-up done. Only five years ago, I had a two-year old that had no idea what having a brother was about. I now have a seven year-old who loves to play with, and fight with, his best friend and brother. Only five years ago we were living in our second house in Gainesville, Florida. We now are in our fourth house and in the great north of Minnesota.
So many changes can come in five years. Kindergarteners move to be fifth graders. High school kids graduate college and get jobs. Baby boys are born and turn into big boys that are ready to go to Kindergarden.
Days can take so long to pass, but five years can go by in a blink of an eye.

Happy early birthday my wonderful boy Charlie!

(don't worry, I'll do an ode to my now seven year Ben soon, now that I'm catching up.)