Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Well, another year goes by and it's Father's Day again. Growing up Father's Day was a bit of a combined holiday. My dad's birthday always fell the same week, if not the same day, and we usually did the two together. Between my brother, Mark, and I it was deciding what to get dad, blank cassette tapes, blank vcr tapes, socks or the rare tie. Men are so hard to shop for and my dad was always the hardest. Men in general seem to only ever want a few things, and typically if they want something, they go and buy it, no regard for anyone needing to shop for them in coming months:) Same ting happened every Christmas.

Now I have a husband of my own that I have to contend with, seeing as we have two little boys that are not nearly old enough to realize Father's Day is coming up, much less do anything about it. There was of course the Hallmark trip to purchase cards. That by the way is one way to really see if anyone is ready for kids, or at least to keep the population in control. Taking two little boys into a Hallmark. Thousands of cards to open, some that play music, lots of things that can be broken and aisles and aisles of people not really wanting to deal with little boys and of course, counters with candy at eye-level to top it all off. Some how we made it through. It always reminds me why I need to buy cards once or twice a year for every occasion, while the boys are in school.

If only they sold Father's Day cards a few months in advance (or that I thought about it before school ended). I think I'll wait until high school before I try to let them pick out cards again.

So, while my own father (love ya Dad!) was hard to shop for, my husband is a bit easier, as he likes golf. Worst case scenario I can always lean on something golf related and get a gift receipt so he can exchange if needed. This year a trip to the Christian Book Store turned out to be very lucrative (for them). I found a nice golf picture with a nice sentiment on it, perfect since Jamie is wanting to replace my Asia pictures in there with golf pictures to complete the golf theme of the basement bathroom. While there, Ben found the Golfer's Serenity prayer, very cute and a golf ball to boot. Father's Day complete.

Oh yeah, and the days activities . . . Jamie got up early to play golf before church, church, lunch, watch the US Open, hit balls at the driving range with family, US Open.

I think this is what they call the golfers version of Father's Day. Only beat out last year by actually going to the US Open on Father's Day.

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